Our Team


    Michael McGhee, Rector                                 

A native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of Geneva College (97’), Michael worked in campus ministry with Coalition for Christian Outreach for nine years. In 2009 he finished his Master of Divinity at Trinity School for Ministry, an evangelical Anglican seminary. He was ordained an Anglican Priest in January of 2010 and became the founding pastor of St. Andrews Anglican Church in Beaver Falls, PA in 2010.

It was at St. Andrews that he met his future wife Megan Edmister, who was pursuing her Master of Arts in Higher Education at Geneva College. When Megan moved to Nashville to become the Coordinator of the Freshman Year Experience at Trevecca Nazarene University, Michael soon decided to relocate to Nashville. He has been assisting in the development of structures for the ordination process for the Anglican churches in middle Tennessee.

Michael and Megan were married in the summer of 2014. They share a love of music, movies, food and books. Some of the formative influences in Michael’s theology and ministry include Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and Robert Farrar Capon.  


    Campbell Wilson, Church Administrator   

Born and raised in Franklin, Tennessee to a teacher and a civil engineer, Campbell grew up in Christ Community church where he was heavily involved in the youth programming. He attended local schools such as New Hope Academy, Grassland Middle School, and Franklin High School. Campbell graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville with B.A. in Psychology.

Throughout his college career, he worked with many youth ministries: YOKE, Christ Community Church with summer programming, Camp Brookwoods in New Hampshire as a summer counselor, and Grace Presbyterian Church in Knoxville as a youth leader. He enjoys sports such as football and soccer, outdoor activities, and organizing events for the energetic youth of today.     

 Beth Bizier, Hospitality  and Prayer    ,  

A fifth generation Floridian, Beth resided in Central Florida until 2010, when she and her husband Paul moved to San Antonio, TX for 3 years and then to Franklin. Married since 1983 to Paul, their Christian walk has been diverse and filled with wonderful experiences and growth. Professionally, Beth’s career was as a Radiologic Technologist, primarily working in Orthopedics. She retired in 2010 when they moved to Texas.

Beth has had many roles in the church, both volunteer and staff over the years. From being part of the Episcopal Engaged Encounter Ministry as team with Paul, to serving on staff at a non-denominational megachurch in Texas, life in the church has offered many wonderful experiences.

Helping others to feel welcome is one of her joys here at St John’s and leading the hospitality ministry provides many wonderful opportunities for that.

In her personal life, prayer has been the constant that provides one of the greatest experiences of walking with and knowing Jesus. Leading the prayer ministry at St Johns allows her to share the mighty power of prayer with those within our church family, our community and others in need. 

Parish Council

The Parish Council is comprised of the pastor and lay people elected by the members of the congregation. Together the council governs the church’s administrative affairs and seeks to broaden the base of leadership in the parish. The lay members also advise the clergy regarding the ministries of the church and provide accountability and support to the clergy in their work. The lay members of our parish council are: 

Mark Evans, Chair

Tod Tillman, Co-Chair

TI Bishop

David Fleet

Jesse Orloff

Jean Simpson

Lynn Vander Elst

Katherine Wilder