Weekly Newsletter
- St. John's Events Calendar: To view the calendar of our upcoming events and services, please click here.
- Sunday Morning Schedule for Sunday Morning Volunteers: There are many ways to serve at St. John's each Sunday morning. We have set up a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in volunteering to either read the lessons, serve as greeter, acolyte, serve as altar guild, serve as offering/communion usher or read the prayers of the people. To view the sign-up form, click here.
- Lenten Book Discussion: Please join us on March 13th at 7pm for our discussion of “Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted” by Gretchen Ronnevik (click here for flyer). Most books on the spiritual disciplines are heavy on the law. Gretchen takes a different approach. By starting with Grace, she shows that the disciplines are a gift, not a burden. In the spirit of limiting our burdens, we are hosting the discussion over Zoom as a means of caring for those who travel a distance to join us or maybe just don’t like driving at night. Please click here to email Michael for a link.
- Sunday Bible Study on 1st John: Begins Sunday, March 9th at 9am at New Hope Academy.
- Women's Book Study: We are continuing our book study of the Sensible Shoes series, by Sharon Garlough Brown, with Book 4, An Extra Mile, on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. in the church office(225 4th Ave. North, Franklin). For questions or more information, please reach out to Susie Tillman. All women are welcome!
- Men's March Madness Dinner: Join the men of St. John's at David Fleet's home (contact the church office for address & directions) for an evening of basketball and good food on Friday, March 21st at 6pm. Bring your favorite game day snack to share! If you don't have a snack, please come anyways! To RSVP, or if you have any questions, click here.
- Ladies Breakfast and Shower for Elise Jimison: Plan to join us on Saturday, March 22nd at the Lauterbach home (contact the church office for address & directions) for our St. John’s Ladies Spring Breakfast and Shower for Elise Jimison. Bring a Breakfast/Brunch Dish to share. We will start with a short devotion and breakfast, followed by a time to shower Elise with everything a new mom needs.
- Children's Ministry Volunteer Sign Up: We are looking for volunteers to lead or assist in Children's Church on Sunday mornings. Follow the link here to view the sign up. Leaders must have completed the "Ministry Safe Training Course", which you can find by emailing Campbell .
- Claiborne & Hughes: Our next evening at Claiborne & Hughes will be for Bingo and refreshments on Wednesday, March 26th from 6-7:30pm. Our visits are normally scheduled last Wednesday of each month. All are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact David Fleet.
Weekly Events
Wednesday 7am: Guys Breakfast at Bar-B-Cutie.
Wednesday 9am:Women's Book Study: Study normally meets at the church office. No study the week of March 5th. We are taking Ash Wednesday off and will resume Wednesday, March 12th.
Our Life Together
- Children’s Ministry: To view our website click here.
- Prayer - At St. John's we embrace a prayerful life. Whether you are a member or not, it is our privilege to include your prayers with our own. If you have prayer requests for the prayer team or questions about the prayer ministry, please email
Helpful Links
- Daily Prayer: To view each prayer Livestream, click here for St. John's Facebook page.
- Morning Prayer: Mondays through Fridays at 8:30am. Click here for the bulletin.
- Aid to Ukraine: If you are looking for ways to offer aid to the people of Ukraine, follow the links below.
- On-Line Giving: If you would like to give online, you can do so by clicking here or by visiting the church website. Text-to-give is also available by texting a dollar amount to 84321. You can either make a one time donation or set up recurring payments.
This Week's Lectionary
- Lectionary Readings by week available here