Our Church

You are necessary for the effective work of the church and the building of community. At St. John’s we sincerely hope that you will be an active part of our community. Listed here are the various ministries and groups of the Church & the contact person for each.

Altar Guild--The Altar Guild prepares the physical altar area for Sunday worship services and any other services in which Holy Communion is served. Father Michael McGhee,  

Children’s Ministry--Adults and teenagers are always needed who enjoy children and would like to help out during Children’s Worship as well as special events.   .

Greeters--Welcoming each individual to the worship service at the front door matters at St. John's. A smile, a hug, a handshake begin every worship service. To volunteer contact 

Hospitality--Breaking bread together has always been a basic Christian ministry. Potluck or pizza lunches and snacks after service are vitally important in the formation of our community.  Join a team that helps facilitate these ministries by contacting 

Lay Eucharistic Ministers--LEMs are the people who assist the priest with the service of communion, leading the prayers, serving the chalice, etc. during the worship service. 

Lay Readers--Lay Readers are men and women who read aloud from the podium the Holy Scriptures appointed for the Sunday worship service.

Prayer Team--a group of people who pray for the needs of the church.  We meet weekly for prayer.  If interested contact Beth Bizier,   

Set Up and Tear Down--Because we occupy another's space, time given to setting up and tearing down is an important and necessary ministry.  For information:  

Ushers--Ushers are the men & women who greet people as they enter the sanctuary, pass out the bulletins, help people find a seat and direct the traffic flow up the aisle to Holy Communion. Contact: